The "Not So Trivia - Trivia "

I know - This page has been named "The Trivia" , but none of my memeories are Trivia for me ! They are very Precious and Unforgetable Gems that " flash upon that inward eye".... whenever I am .... "In vacant or in pensive mood".... and just like the Daffodils were for Wordsworth .. these memories are the "bliss of solitude" for me and never fail to fill my heart with pleasure !

I can think of so many occassions and events which are "gold mines" of memories ... and I am sure you can think of many more !

So come on Guys & Gals yr memories ....or at least add comments to the posts .... and let us relive those moments....

Friday, February 16, 2007

Trivia 4

And it goes on...

Do you remember Baba Group of Hostel 16 and all? OK, if not recall Nepal Naresh. First part of the question is that what was Nepal Naresh's real name? And then while he was in hostel 16, how did he once help our batch?

M P Singh was Nepal Naresh. Which batch he belonged to was not known and it really did not matter either. One program he used to watch religiously was "Hindi News" in Doordarshan. Later he had TV in his room only. He had helped once by going to GN Shah(Mechanical Prof) to ask for Lenient Marking or Moderation for one of the Term papers. Actually GN Shah happened to be his he had no other option but to listen to him!

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