The "Not So Trivia - Trivia "

I know - This page has been named "The Trivia" , but none of my memeories are Trivia for me ! They are very Precious and Unforgetable Gems that " flash upon that inward eye".... whenever I am .... "In vacant or in pensive mood".... and just like the Daffodils were for Wordsworth .. these memories are the "bliss of solitude" for me and never fail to fill my heart with pleasure !

I can think of so many occassions and events which are "gold mines" of memories ... and I am sure you can think of many more !

So come on Guys & Gals yr memories ....or at least add comments to the posts .... and let us relive those moments....

Friday, February 16, 2007

Trivia 6

There were couple of famous dhabas, where we used to have our lunch and dinner(for the obvious reason that we were not taught Management in early days and were asked to manage the mess ourselves). The names I can recollect are, Tapan's dhaba, Dubey's dhaba, Hazoor Dhaba(the owner used to have the opening line for everyone - "Aayee huzuur...baithee....e Sanatan..safee laga.." and therefore the name Huzur Dhaba) at Goshala gate. For "B" Zone hostelers there was only one choice. Which dhaba was that? His "tenia's" name used to be "Motka"(actually he used to look according to his name).

Well, Himanshu has already answered it. Kudrus Dhaba. Did not find that dhaba anymore in around the campus, nor have much clue where he might be now but he used to be our make-shift mess destination for our lunch and dinner.

Trivia 5

How many sine-die we had seen during 1986-90? Which one was for the funniest reason?

If my memory serves me well, we had altogether 4. The funniest one was when there was water supply problem due to PHED and NGO strike in the campus and then-director J.Jha had declared sine-die. If you want to explain the last 2-3 lines here to your kids, you might have to dig up many topics, to make them understand what it meant actually. Not bad, could serve as a good primer for understanding the realities of our times!

Trivia 4

And it goes on...

Do you remember Baba Group of Hostel 16 and all? OK, if not recall Nepal Naresh. First part of the question is that what was Nepal Naresh's real name? And then while he was in hostel 16, how did he once help our batch?

M P Singh was Nepal Naresh. Which batch he belonged to was not known and it really did not matter either. One program he used to watch religiously was "Hindi News" in Doordarshan. Later he had TV in his room only. He had helped once by going to GN Shah(Mechanical Prof) to ask for Lenient Marking or Moderation for one of the Term papers. Actually GN Shah happened to be his he had no other option but to listen to him!

Trivia 3

Hey, my archived data of BIT Sindri days is up today and am able to access many those memories so here goes the third one.

Who is that extra-ordinary person from our batch who had this famous sentence to say whenever he was extremely unhappy:
"Khoon jam ke "blood" ho gaya"
He had also distinction of being with the "mob" to "educate and discipline" the right manners to Trekkerwallahs as well as was the president of Shaharpura Trekker Union? an only one Anant Pandey(Mining). There are many more of his famous one liners but do not recall now. Saurabh(Prod) can help if he can listen to me...!

Trivia 2

Remember FOY contest? Fresher of the Year contest by Leo Club? OK, so who were the winner and runner up of that contest in our batch? The clue is that the winner went on to became the Presi of Rotract Club and the Runner up became the same for Leo Club.

Wait for the answer. But please try.

Rajeev Ranjan Mishra (Chemical) was FOY and Deepankar Das Gupta (Mechanical) was runner up.

Trivia 1

Trivia 1: Here it goes my first one. Since we are on BIT Sindri Mess topic, Who is that unfortunate person to have got one black dot (I am sure people must be remembering that 3 black dots would have automatically thrown you out of the institute, though I never heard that special rule being in action) for asking a complete boiled egg (instead of half boiled egg combined with what else? Aloo stuffed in the remaining half) during our 1st year in hostel 10?(If you remember the 1st year was not "self-managed" mess and so the hostel superintendent used to run the show and obviously the other missing half of the boiled egg used to have an obvious correlation to that fact)
Wait for the answer to the Trivia 1 which will come later on. But please do not give up, give it a try. Come on all 1986 residents of Hostel 10. - Sanjay Jha

Well, I waited long enough and believe that people have given up. My duty is to refresh your memory by giving the right answer. So here it goes.... Remember Ganesh Kumar of Mechanical? He is currently in Vizag Steel, please someone update his co-ordinates. Ganesh used to be quite a "quiet" guy but his subtle comments used to be hilarious to say the least and like any patriot citizen of the hostel, he stood up for a cause, only to be rewarded a Black big was that dot? This big . or this small . ? Doesn't matter now.