The "Not So Trivia - Trivia "

I know - This page has been named "The Trivia" , but none of my memeories are Trivia for me ! They are very Precious and Unforgetable Gems that " flash upon that inward eye".... whenever I am .... "In vacant or in pensive mood".... and just like the Daffodils were for Wordsworth .. these memories are the "bliss of solitude" for me and never fail to fill my heart with pleasure !

I can think of so many occassions and events which are "gold mines" of memories ... and I am sure you can think of many more !

So come on Guys & Gals yr memories ....or at least add comments to the posts .... and let us relive those moments....

Friday, February 16, 2007

Trivia 6

There were couple of famous dhabas, where we used to have our lunch and dinner(for the obvious reason that we were not taught Management in early days and were asked to manage the mess ourselves). The names I can recollect are, Tapan's dhaba, Dubey's dhaba, Hazoor Dhaba(the owner used to have the opening line for everyone - "Aayee huzuur...baithee....e Sanatan..safee laga.." and therefore the name Huzur Dhaba) at Goshala gate. For "B" Zone hostelers there was only one choice. Which dhaba was that? His "tenia's" name used to be "Motka"(actually he used to look according to his name).

Well, Himanshu has already answered it. Kudrus Dhaba. Did not find that dhaba anymore in around the campus, nor have much clue where he might be now but he used to be our make-shift mess destination for our lunch and dinner.



Remember Umesh Singh (Baba Group). He would permanently have his "NON VEG" meals at those dhabas, particularly Nandu dhaba and still remained "Sikia Pahalwan". Not sure whether you had witnessed his brand of Card Game "29" in his Hostel 12 room. While playing, his sitting posture would remind of the peons playing cards in front of Bihar Secretariat, Patna.

Sanjay Jha said...

How can we forget the great Umesh Singh! I remember that he was married to someone who was then in 2nd or 3rd year of MBBS and while she completed her studies, our great Umesh was still in BIT only to pursue MBBS instead of BE,you got it - Mia Biwi Bachhe Samet!
Talking of those 29 card games....I regret that why that was not included in Olympics, we had some of the legends in our college during those days. Umesh used to have a great line - "Makhan bahut kha liye...ab nikalo!" with an élan as if he has won the world! While delivering that line he used to have his head turning and vibrating on SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion) with period T=2 Sec!
Remember our Atul Kumar of Mechanical; he used to partner with him as he happened to be from Motihari same place where Umesh was from. Atul used to have khainee in his lower lip and then he would throw card with such confidence to amaze the opponents like "Ka bujhnee hain hamko, BATT~AKH?!" He used to stress the word Battakh in a very interesting way!
More than the game, it used to be the comments and zeal of players which used to keep us in the room watching.
Shankar Jha (Our Dukhiya of Mechanical as he always used to have a very sad look at his face) had another favorite line " Ye la, all India all Nepal Badhtee Card".And while talking of Shankar how can we miss our "Party" or "Bhoiya". He used to have his lower lip under the upper set of teeth and would throw the card with almost a thumping sound on the bed and would say "Nikala sab, hamar badhtee ba...lawo lawo", he used to track and remember all the cards already played so well, that he used to not even bother to look at the opponents' cards and that would amaze everyone....That hostel 13 used to be den of some great card players and they used to skip sessionals and classes for playing 29 card games, as they used to have one after one request from Baba group - "Ek "haath" aur ho jayee, tab niklab"! I can go on; it just started me reminding of so many things of those days...


Utterance of Khainee reminds me of Dipu. He had that unique way of begging for khainee. He would ask the durbans - "Baba chuna hai? If the answer was affirmative, then he would say "tum to khainee bhee hoga. Laao banaa ke khilao". I hear he in teaching profession and is based in Uttaranchal perhaps.